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Docs page blank

  • @erotmil


    Running latest wordpress 5.7 php 7.4 BP Group Documents 1.12.3 buddypress 7.2.1
    tried twenty twenty theme, tried deactivating plugins. running Divi theme with a child them
    with custom PDO crud code in child theme for some functions.
    any of the documents on documents/?category=# pages draw a blank page.
    I used duplicator to reinstall and old backup copy and even it draws the blank.
    So I wondering if there is some external reference that changed or moved (like a JS library).
    This happened with the last two weeks (today is 3/28/2021) .
    Also noticed the Divi’s front end editor doesn’t work on those blank pages.
    Gonna submit a Divi tech support ticket also.
    my test website for troubleshooting is
    that’s the link that draws a blank (no documents showing)?
    Any help appreciated

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  • @erotmil


    does buddypress rely on a library or have a language in its code that does like javascript?



    Ok after using buddypress troubleshooter it seems Nextgen Gallery plugin is conflicting with buddypress group documents . I guess will check for a solution on google search or from nextgen?



    Were you ever able to find a solution to the incompatibility issue with NextGen.
    I have the same problem with my site. All attempts to Edit the BuddyPress Profile go to a blank page titled “GROUPS-11”
    I am told it is bacause of the NextGen Plug in.
    there seems to be a lot of mention of this on the internet . . . but no solutions.

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