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Does anything work?

  • @wayneg03


    Using the most up to date WP and BP versions on localhost

    1- i cannot use dashicons
    2- create group button is non existent where it should be logically (a decade old problem now)
    3- the nav menu only allows reordering, no new custom links ( i mean WTF?)
    4- this plugin just adds a dated 1980’s standard of styling that doesnt belong in a modern webshop.
    5- no community support whatsoever, not even for 10 year old, widespread issues…..

    Overall this is total nonsense, how is this even #1 plugin of it’s type?

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  • @coolhunt



    yeah… its tough going here – in these parts of the internet..

    To try to answer some of your questions..

    — for testing purpose.. try using the twentytwenty theme..
    — #2 YOURDOMAIN_NAME/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bp-components
    **make sure “USER-GROUPS” is selected..
    then go to YOURDOMAIN__NAME/wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-groups
    or try going to YOURDOMAIN_NAME/groups/create/step/group-details/

    — #3 Try going to YOURDOMAIN_NAME/wp-admin/nav-menus.php



    I appreciate you taking time to help but i think you misunderstand.

    1 – dashicons, i aint even going to try, it’s not worth the stress.

    2- I cannot get to create groups without entering the URL directly, it exists but the “group” tab only has membership and invitation tabs, why is there no link to create group in the most logical place to actually put it, a huge and somewhat stupid oversight.

    3- Custom link are available in customise, why does BP ignore the basic functionality already existing and demand a masters in comp sci to even think about using it.

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