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Does BuddyPress Group Email have a cache problem? Or is it in bbPress or in WP?

  • @openideashost


    I am a nb in the WP-bb-BP world – but I can’t find the answer after much searching on Google and the forums…so please help?

    After I edit a Topic in a BuddyPress forum (the first topic – I am testing), no email alert is sent out even though the Topic has changed. So I delete the topic (as administrator) and create a new one in place – still no email alert to the group…..gets worse….I delete a reply in that forum, and create another one – no email alerts…is there a cache problem? My setup is as follows:

    I am hosted on (Linux/Apache) using WP3.4.2, and BuddyPress 1.6.1 and bbpress 2.1.2.. I want email alerts on every action (changes in topics, replies etc) but for two groups – an executive, and a general membership. So I set up BP groups with their own forums – one set of groups having the exec only, and the other set with general membership (including the exec). I am using the plugin BP Group email 3.2.1 (to restrict exec mail to them) and a nice editor with Buddy forums, I have had to use the two UBuddy plugins UBP Forum Attachment 1.2.1 and UBP Forum Editor v1.3.

    It seems intuitively that one process deletes an object with a handleID and reduces the ID# so that the next one is issued with the same handleID. But the mailer thinks it is has been sent out already, because it is too clever and checks for repetitions (if the content is the same it freaks out and turns all red)……but I am no php reader….has anyone encountered this before? Yes, probably there are not too many instances outside of testing where topics and replies are being deleted and re-issued (even with different content)..

    Can you help me with what the problem is and how I could fix it? I am not using any bbforums -just BPforums (for segregated mail-outs)….

    Also cannot find a way to have nested discussions (ie reply to replies) in BuddyPress forums?

    Ernie aka openideashost (

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