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Does BuddyPress require WordPress manual or scripted install

  • @dell21000


    Hi. I’m new to it all, just got WordPress working, and now I have a second domain for another install of WordPress that I hope to be a BuddyPress site. I read somewhere (can’t recall where) that I should be installing and configuring WordPress manually if I am going to add BuddyPress, and not using my host’s automated WordrPress installer script. Not something I’m completely comfortable with (the script did it correctly for WordPress install on my other blog). Is this the case? Or does experience say it doesn’t matter (using softaculous script).


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  • @djpaul


    As long as the scripted installer does everything correctly, it’ll be fine.



    Script installers are plagued with problems, I would avoid it if you can.



    Thanks. I appreciate the replies but now I’m as confused as before ;) One says yes; the other, no. Anyone else have thoughts?



    Somebody posted a topic a few days ago with a problem and the reason they had a problem was they used the host installer for WordPress. What Paul is saying is that it may be ok but in my experience I’ve had issues.

    You may not have any issues, each web host is different.



    Fair enough. That makes total sense. Thanks. I will probably install fresh without the script installer. It works, but if I get into trouble (which I will) I won’t ever know if it’s the install or something I’m doing despite the install.



    Installing WordPress is not to difficult. Google your host name and how to install WordPress and you should find a tutorial.

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