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Does BuddyPress Theme require BuddyPress installation?

  • @robbeh9898


    Sorry this might sound like a dumb question.

    I have a WP website and have purchased the BuddyPress Community theme and installed the theme. Am I required to also install BuddyPress?

    I am confused because with the theme active I can register, login etc…but I don’t see any forums/members/groups like you would on other BP sites.

    ny insight is greatly appreciated!

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  • @karmatosed


    The only cases where themes for BuddyPress wouldn’t need to have BuddyPress would be if they have a check in them and say they work without BuddyPress. If you want the ‘BuddyPress functionality’ then yes you have to install BuddyPress. It sounds like you do if you say forums/members/groups.



    Thanks Karma,

    I’ve dug a little deeper and what your saying seems spot on. The theme says compatible with or without BP so the theme is installed. I don’t see “Members” “Groups” etc… and I was trying to find them but realized it looks like BP wasn’t installed, just the theme.

    I guess from here I need to install BP to get the BP functionality.

    Thanks for your response!



    No problem, there are a number of great getting started guides – also a great day to get BuddyPress as it’s just had a new version released today :)

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