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Does BuddyPress works?

  • @luketapis


    Sorry for my stupid question.
    I installed BP because I heard that it is a fantastic tool for WP.
    After installation I got 2 new pages: groups and Activity and Groups – but they are blanks.

    Is BuddyPress really works or is a scam?

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  • @shanebp


    Did you read this:

    Getting Started



    ‘scam’ is a rather rude word.

    I suggest that you go and read the Codex, all sections to do with features and getting started then you will be able to ask better informed questions.

    And yes ‘it’ does work!



    Is BuddyPress really works?

    It sure does 🙂



    Sorry I didn’t want to be rude, there is so many scams online so I wasn’t sure.

    Thank you for your links. I’m studding it now.

    In required section I found this information:

    WordPress should be installed manually i.e. via FTP, cpanel, etc. and NOT via webhost scripts (fantastico, softalicious, etc.)which bring about numerous issues when BuddyPress is activated.

    I use for hosting my website. I downloaded WP in my cpanel, but when I click on WP (in my cpanel) it redirect me to…softalicious.
    Is that mean that I cannot use BuddyPress correctly?



    Read your host documentation and FYI here.
    Or create an FTP account and upload WP/BP via FTP as recommended.



    I checked my cPanel and I can clearly see that WP is in the public_html.

    Click into the wordpress folder, rename to
    What is the purpose of this action??

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    So I suppose I don’t need to change my database information…?

    Is that mean that I can use BuddyPress now?



    You need to install WP at first and make it work correctly before installing BuddyPress.

    Refer to WP codex and follow install instruction. At this time, you have no BP installed, so come back once it is done and only if you have an issue.

    Getting started is avaible on both codex, and the start begins with WP.

    Have a nice day.

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