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Download for 2.4.3?

  • kmtrent


    I updated to 2.5.0 and now I cannot access the admin area without a 500 server error. The site was working fine with 2.4.3. Is there a place where I can get the 2.4.3 version to change back to? I have already moved plugins and found that BuddyPress 2.5.0 is what is causing my error.

    Thank you for assistance in getting back to previous version, so I can continue to run my site effectively while exploring the issue my site has with the new version.

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  • kmtrent




    I did change back to 2.4.3 and now I have my admin area back without error. Does anyone have an idea why 2.5.0 would cause an error in the WordPress admin area?

    HTTP 500 errors are pretty bad. We’re tracking one bug that might be the cause, but if you can look in your web server’s PHP error log (or ask your host to do this for you) and share with us any error or warning messages for the time period where you tried to update BuddyPress, we can look at it and find out for sure.

    I’m very sorry 2.5 didn’t work for you, but we want to fix it.

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