Not yet. I haven’t seen or heard of anyone doing this.
I guess it’d be fairly straightforward. You’d probably have to remove some actions, rewrite a few functions and use either phpmailer (included with WP) or swiftmailer (which I prefer) in those functions and then add these functions to the actions you removed earlier on.
I was hoping that there would be a tiny mce attachment or else using the same function used to post images to wires in te e-mail code.
We are now 34 month later 
Did someone find a way to add attachment to emails ?
If you’re going to re-open such an old topic without any new information — what emails that BuddyPress sends do you want to add attachments to? What’s the use case?
Hello Paul,
I’d like to be able to attach a document to a “private message”.
I’ve heard of people building this for their own sites, but I’ve not seen any plugins that offer this. But I haven’t search through to check — have you?
Yes, i searched not only on but also on google.
I Didn’t find anything.
Many people are searching this function.