Yes, Xevo’s correct. It’ll be in the footer.php file of whichever theme you are using.
Thanks for your suggestions but the BP default theme that i’m using there isnt any file named footer.php. in buddypress bp-themes –> bp_default there is a folders named _inc which further has folders css and images.
Please suggest…how to proceed
That’s because “default” is a child theme. It inherits it’s footer from it’s parent theme. To create a custom footer for you child theme… just copy the footer.php file from the parent into the child. The child footer will override the parent.
rcmisa – looking at your website you are using the default theme, so the footer.php will be in wp-content/themes/bp-sn-parent.
yep bp-sn-parent/footer.php
copy the footer.php to themes/bp-default and edit that one, your modification will be kept in the future when you upgrade the parent theme.
Thank you everybody, Now I can..
Thanks again..for explaining and simplifying the mechanism.
Ram Mishra