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Email notifications go out for every edit made on a post

  • @jayney54


    We have BuddyPress Email notifications turned on for our users. However, if someone posts in the bbpress forum and then edits the post, anyone who is @mentioned gets multiple email notifications about the post (depending on how many times a user edits their post).
    We had one user who edited their post 12 times and therefore the system sent out 12 emails to anyone who was @mentioned.

    Is there a way to only set the BuddyPress emails to only send out an email on the first time something is posted – not when it is edited?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • @lalaloo


    This is a major problem with Buddypress. Members getting outrageous amounts of emails for everything is getting us a lot of complaints from our members.

    Ideally, each member could get a daily/weekly/whatever digest summarizing all notifications for their account.

    Or, the ability to turn off some email notifications regarding activity/mentions, etc



    This is not a BuddyPress problem; this is a bbPress problem, which is scheduled to be fixed in bbPress 2.6.


    Until then, you can manually apply the following change:



    Oh. Ok.
    But is there a way to pick which email notifications can be switched off in Buddypress?



    Lalaloo you can turn notifications off for all users for specific BuddyPress functions in the “email” section. Just select the particular notification and un-select the “situation” and save. But then no-one will get any of those notifications..

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