Error 404 for non logged in users
Buddypress redirects to error 404 page every time a user tries to access ot a logged-in needed web page (es. It causes several problems to users because when they recive an email notification for a private message and follow the link to see the conversation, if the are not logged-in an ugly error page appears (giving the feeling that on the website there is something wrong). Is that possible to:1) send users to the login page
2) send users to the initial requested url after log-inThanks for your help
Which plugins do you have activated?
I have made a test with no plugin activated exept buddypress, yet still have the issue…
How about your theme?
Thank you Henry, I’ve just made the following test:
-no plugin exept Buddypress
-defauolt wordpress theme “twenty fifteen”but we still have the issue. The point is that the message private as well as the notification area return a “not found page” message instead a “log-in required” message. I’m running the last buddypress version (italian located website).
Is that a bug?
Is that a bug?
I don’t think so because I can’t reproduce at my end. I think there must be something in your setup that’s causing the issue. Do you have a bp-custom.php file with code in it? That could be a source of the problem.
Alternatively you might need to test again with a fresh database.
No child theme, no custom file and the db is quite fresh… Maybe a permalink issue? This is the url:
as you can see the url is half italian (messaggi) half english (messages)
* as you can see the url is half italian (membri) half english (messages)
I can successfully access your profile:
The following link won’t work for me because I’m not tizianopitisci. Only that user is allowed to access that page.
I would like to have on my website the same solution of See this examples please:
BUDDYDEV: buddydev users:
1. Recive a notification by email with a link inside;
2. Follow the link;
3. Make the log-in;
4. Access the private areaI wuold like to have the same solution. Do you think is possible?
Thanks for your help
TizianoHello Henry, It seems to be a bug coming from 2.6 BP realise, as you can read from this topic:
What do you think about it?
Thanksdid you find a solution to this, or do you have a link to the buddypress trac where it was reported?
Unfortunally I didn’t find any solution. The issue is not reported to buddypress (I’ve tried but it was a bit complicated).
@henrywright This is a valid bug…
Please fix this issue.
Only happens when users are not logged in
The site isn’t doing a redirect to login screenDo I have to rollback to 2.5.3?
Reproduce the bug by logging out then entering in the url…
This should be an issue for every BuddyPress site!!
The issue is in file bp-core-catchuri.php
function bp_core_no_access
if you’ve found a bug, please refer it on Trac.
Login with same credential as on this forum, describe the issue and give any details to reproduce it.@danbp has this issue been addressed? When the user is not logged in they should be directed to a login page.
Hi all
As @danbp mentioned, if you haven’t done so already, please open a bug report for this on Trac if you believe there to be an issue. That way it’ll get investigated by the core team.
Ok, I just reported the bug: Hope It will help.
#7357 duplicated an earlier created
So @tizianopitisci, I closed your ticket in favour of #7349.
It’s ok. I hope devolepers will fix this bug in next releas. Thanks
So I created a ticket too: [BuddyPress Trac] #7349:
It got closed with a Comment:There are so many ways to fix this, that I’m not really sure how, when and
should we fix this.Won’t fix??
So if you guys won’t fix this is there a work around? It’s confusing for members who are getting messages and then get a 404 messages. Some users are not web savvy enough to login so they are missing messages. Good web user design is helping them out…
I was functional at one time now not? And you don’t want to fix this? Please help me so that I can fix this.
#7349 is not closed, please check that again. That quote is just my comment (yes, I do have personal opinion) to a ticket.
is regarding #7341, which is related and I’m not sure about (that’s why I linked to it in #7349).Nobody said, that we (or I) don’t want to fix this.
Okay. Thanks for clarifying.
I had the same issue, and since I couldn’t find a solution, I had to make one myself. I thought I’d share.
Add the following to your functions file
function fix_private_message_login() { Global $bp; if (isset($bp->canonical_stack['component']) && $bp->canonical_stack['component'] == 'messages' && !is_user_logged_in()) { header('Location: ' . get_site_url() . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); die(); } } add_action('bp_do_404', 'fix_private_message_login');
If you’re admin, you will most likely be redirected to the admin panel after login (instead of the message), however for all other users, it will redirect you to the message.
thank you for sharing @peterspliid, but it would also be usefull for the devs that you add your fix to this ticket:
so at least it will be taken in consideration.
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