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[Resolved] Error 404 – Page Not Found

  • @aaronthomas1979


    Hello Buddypress buddies,

    I’m having a difficult issue that deals with logging out of Buddypress.

    With Buddypress installed, WP’s Menu editor gives me the option of adding Buddypress Logged-In and Logged-Out links. I used this feature to add “Log Out” and “Log In” to my menu.

    These links work great when the user is on a non-buddypress menu item (such as Blog,) however, if the user is currently on a buddypress menu item such as “Notifications,” or “Settings,” and then he clicks “Log Out,” then he gets this error message.

    To be more specific, this is what the message says:

    Error 404 – Page Not Found
    Sorry, I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find the page you’re looking for.
    If you follow the link from another website, I may have removed or renamed the page some time ago. You may want to try searching for the page:


    I’m using WordPress v4.6.1 and Buddypress v2.6.2
    I’m also using the Graphene theme, and I have a static home page set to Members
    Here is a link to my site

    Thanks in advance!

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  • @danbp



    the logout link is redirected to the same page. If you’re on your profile notifications screen, which is only intended for you, it is normal that when you logout from there, you’re redirected to a page not found message. Notifications is even private and not public.

    The solution is to redirect to an always public part of the site on logout.

    Add this snippet to child-theme’s functions.php

    //* Redirect WordPress Logout to Home Page
    add_action( 'wp_logout', create_function( '', 'wp_redirect( home_url() ); exit();' ) );

    Advice 1: use preferably the login widget, so the user stays on the same page where he attempt to login instead to be redirected to that boring wp-login page.

    Advice 2: on the Home (which is the member directory), you have all BP pages listed at the bottom. Remove them ! You certainly don’t need to give access to account activation or register page to your visitors…



    Thanks very much for your help! Problem solved.

    All that genericness going on is due to the fact that I re-installed everything because I thought this error was due to some faulty plugin. So when I re-installed, I was dumbfounded when I was still having the re-direct issue. Now I can bring the site back to life. Thanks again!



    You’re welcome.

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