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Error 500 after install

  • @erichamby


    installed buddypress here:

    Now getting error 500 messages everywhere, anyone else having this problem or solved it?

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  • @burtadsit




    i use 1and1 and i have no clue where to see the logs.



    yea 1and1 dont allow you to see error logs



    We’ve had some experience with people having problems getting wpmu and bp up and running on that particular host. There are *always* issues when you try to run wpmu on shared hosting.



    WPMU was working fine until i installed buddypress though. I first installed WPMU and made sure everything was working, then i installed Buddypress, uploaded the files and when i went back to the site all i get is 500.



    Ok here is something i have got.

    If i active , activity, blogs, core, messages, and xprofile then forums, friends, groups, and the wire will not work and the site crashes. If i activate forums, friends, groups, core, wire, everythign once again works fine unless i active the others which is vis-versa the other way. what would be in the packages thats conflicting?



    I am experiencing the same issue, and it seems like it is less about which plug in, and more about how many.

    I’ve gone through and added/removed all of the buddy press components, and as soon as I have more than about 5 of them, I get 500 errors no matter what page it tries to load.

    The fix for me was to make a file named php.ini, and within that file put:


    …and upload it to the wp-admin folder.

    Basically 1and1’s PHP limit is probably set to like 8mb or 16mb, and BuddyPress is just too big for those britches. Of course, you can increase your memory size to whatever makes it work for you, but 20MB should be plenty. ;)

    I also put:

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php

    …in my .htaccess file at the root directory to make sure 1and1 knew to give it php5 and not the 4 that it tries to give by default. Silly 1and1…

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