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Error After Installing BuddyPress Update 11.0.0

  • @fantamily


    Hi, after installing update buddypress 11.0.0 I have an error in the first view of users: “Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, bool given in /home/customer/www/ on line 1577″…
    Is it possible to fix the problem? Thank you all

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  • @bobby929


    I am seeing the same, plus a similar message. Please advise – thank you!

    Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, bool given in /home/chicagoeft/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity/bp-activity-template.php on line 3580

    Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, bool given in /home/chicagoeft/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-messages/bp-messages-template.php on line 1577



    I would like to add my name to this list but I am only getting the line 1577 error. I am wondering if it might be related to either or both of the following things – I have Better Messages plugin installed and I am running PHP version 8.1. Can the other two who have posted say if they have one or both of these things? There might be a common denominator. I am running the most recent updates of WordPress and of course Buddypress.



    Same issue I am experiencing, after installing buddypress Activity not working, can’t post anything new! What to do? Please help.



    I think you have a different issue – this is just an error appearing in debug logs, and certainly in my case it is not visually affecting anything I am aware of, maybe slowing the site down though. I would start a new thread if you haven’t already, and include any extra information you can to help others diagnose the problem, such as any errors in the console, debug logs, or any other info like which version of wordpress, theme etc. You might also want to try deactivating then reactivating Buddypress before all that to see if it helps.



    Hi, I use better message and PHP 7.4.33



    Hi, I tried to disable better message and the error does not appear anymore ‘.. Now I try to hear the support of Better Message



    for those who have better messages just update the plugin and everything works :)))



    Hi – I am not using Better Messages so not related. Thought i am curious – any specifics on what changed in Better Messages to get around the Warning messages?

    Also – in my case the Warning messages are appearing on the website, not just in the debug logs. This appears on the background banner of user profiles, when the viewer is not logged in.



    I have these errors in my site.

    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: 3 arguments are required, 2 given in /customers/5/b/d/ Stack trace: #0 /customers/5/b/d/ sprintf(‘%1$s ha escrito…’, ‘apply_filters(‘__construct(Array) #9 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_has_activities(”) #10 /customers/5/b/d/ require(‘/customers/5/b/…’) #11
    /customers/5/b/d/ load_template(‘/customers/5/b/…’, false, Array) #12 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_locate_template(Array, true, false, Array) #13 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_get_template_part(‘activity/activi…’) #14 /customers/5/b/d/ require(‘/customers/5/b/…’) #15
    /customers/5/b/d/ load_template(‘/customers/5/b/…’, false, Array) #16 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_locate_template(Array, true, false, Array) #17 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_get_template_part(‘activity/index’, NULL, Array) #18 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_buffer_template_part(‘activity/index’, NULL, false) #19
    /customers/5/b/d/ BP_Activity_Theme_Compat->directory_content(”) #20 /customers/5/b/d/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #21 /customers/5/b/d/ apply_filters(‘bp_replace_the_…’, ”) #22 /customers/5/b/d/ bp_replace_the_content(”) #23 /customers/5/b/d/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #24 /customers/5/b/d/ apply_filters(‘the_content’, ”) #25 /customers/5/b/d/ the_content() #26 /customers/5/b/d/ require(‘/customers/5/b/…’) #27 /customers/5/b/d/ load_template(‘/customers/5/b/…’, false, Array) #28 /customers/5/b/d/ locate_template(Array, true, false, Array) #29 /customers/5/b/d/ get_template_part(‘content’, ‘page’) #30 /customers/5/b/d/ include(‘/customers/5/b/…’) #31 /customers/5/b/d/ require_once(‘/customers/5/b/…’) #32 /customers/5/b/d/ require(‘/customers/5/b/…’) #33 {main} thrown in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 230

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