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Error with the plugin BuddyPress Maps

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  • @asshu


    Update :
    Problem solved .



    When you close a thread it’s really helpful for those that might happen across it with the same issue to explain briefly what resolved it for you – if possible!



    Sorry ! There are still some problems with this plugin .I will post them here or ask that other user to post them here who got similar errors.



    Solution for the Erromessage during activation:

    Open bp-maps.php an delete the comment–marks in line 594 completly, so the ?>-Tag is in line 594.

    Unsoluted Problems:
    The profile map still have some problems.
    Change of an member-location is not working.
    Dynamic map in profile not displayed



    Hm, this plug-in is extremly buggy. Dialogs appears twice like “Show your address on a map ?” in the members profile. Map appear in the group – relaoding: map disappears.
    I dont think that someone can get this plug-in working. And it seems that the developer has no further interest in his project.
    It’s a great pity, because the idea of the plug-in is really nice.



    I hope others continue to develop it :) It is really a nice plugin



    Problems solved on actually bp and wordpress 3.0 for profile
    The first problem was the js conflict with jquery -> dynamic marks not works
    the second is the profile maps doesn’t work so ->
    the file bp_maps_profile_init.php contain a bp_maps_profile_init() function where the function bp_maps_profile_is_enabled, bp_is_profile_edit and bp_maps_profile_is_map_group return false so the js aren’t be loaded .
    So you must change the condition for it work!
    this is my code
    function bp_maps_profile_init() {
    global $bp;

    //backend options
    add_action( ‘bp_maps_admin_plugins_div’,’bp_maps_profile_admin_plugins_div’);
    //the numer of my group edit for the location page (/members/admin/profile/edit/group/6/)

    if(strpos($_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”], “edit/group/6”) !== false):

    //change infobulle content to set user’s info

    //change infobulle content to set user’s info

    add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’,’bp_maps_profile_print_scripts’); //edition scripts (address autocomplete)
    add_filter(‘bp_maps_get_map_js’,’bp_maps_profile_add_map_js’,10,2); //array to contain the field ids

    //TO FIX : useless ?


    bp_maps_head_init(); //load maps JS



    If you want to dll my version it here



    tweetyx, I’m using your modified archive and the exact setting in the 2 images and I can see the map now when I set the location on the edit profile page. However, the map is still not loading on the profile page. There’s just the “Show your address on a map ?” text and in the right the map doesn’t load, though in the page code I can see the map’s script.
    Does it works for you or you have the same problem? If you managed to make it work, can you share the solution with us, please, or upload another working plugin?
    Thank you very much for the modifications.

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