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Excluding Child Themes from User's Blogs

  • @enailor


    I think the new parent / child theme idea is fantastic, however I have a question about this.

    I am testing the BP 1.1 with WPMU 2.8.4 and have things set up and running. I created a new user, and created a new blog with that user. The site is using the subfolder structure.

    My question is this… how do I exclude Child Themes from the user’s available themes?

    Normally, I go to the SiteAdmin section and enable themes to be used throughout the site (i.e. WordPress Default, WordPress Classic, etc) and I see the button to enable the Parent theme (which it says NOT to do,and I have NOT done.) Yet, when I log in as my second user (not Site Admin) and choose a theme for that blog, I can access the child theme (BP 1.1 Default), which I do not want available for my users. Why? Because they have access to all the site wide widgets that I don’t really want them to have. They can basically re-create the front page I have for the main site.

    While I am ok with a similar theme for them, items like the Welcome widget really don’t belong to the sub-user Admins. So how do we disable child themes, since they do not show up in the available themes in the Site Admin master list?



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  • @takuya


    This is not a BuddyPress related question and should be posted on wpmu forums.

    Site Admin > Blogs > enable bp theme only to admin … DONE.



    A combination of a cold and NyQuil resulted in this posting. I just took a look with a clear head and I was wrong… my bad. It is listed… just didn’t see Buddy Press Default with blurred eyes…. Ignore this one!

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