Check out this plugin:
It will allow you to exempt that field from the standard BP search string function. You could also add a little customisation in the settings file to set your Company field to redirect to somewhere else as you’re suggesting here.
What I was really getting at, was how do I do this in code….
If you’re using the plugin I mentioned and you want to do exactly what you mentioned above, you could probably just add it into the SN arry in the plugin file, thus:
$social_networking_fields = array( // Enter the field ID of any field that prompts for the username to a social networking site, followed by the URL that must be appended to username to create a link to the user's profile on that site. Thus, since the URL for the profile of awesometwitteruser is, you should enter 'Twitter' => ''. Don't forget: 1) Leave out the 'http://', 2) Include the trailing slash (/) if needed to make a valid URL, and 3) to separate items with commas
'Twitter' =>'' ,
'Delicious ID' => '' ,
'YouTube ID ' => '' ,
'Flickr ID ' =>'' ,
'FriendFeed ID' => '',
'Facebook' => '',
'MySpace' => '',
// your site's Company Field
'Company' => ''
// You shouldn't need to touch anything below this line.
Of course I haven’t actually tried this myself. The alternative is to extend the plugin a little with a function that takes that company field and does whatever you want to do with it.
What i want to do is add different html/css/etc for a particular field….
eg: adding a map…
i know there are these plugins,….but they are merely examples of what i want to achieve in code…
i want to do all sorts of things to profile fields….. and need to know how to do things like this in code…
You need to write a plugin then, and / or delve into the wordpress hooks and functions – best to check out the buddypress codex:
or search google for help? yeah, i know about codex, google, etc 
was hoping for a little more specific help…
For more specific help you’d need to give more specific details –
i want to do all sorts of things to profile fields…..
… is a bit vague.
Also, you’re effectively asking someone to teach you how to write code. What you’re after probably requires a more in-depth answer than you’re likely to get here in the forums.
Perhaps you ought to download and break down / delve into the custom profile filters plugin and start from there – that’s an example of how to do these things in code – combined with the codex etc should get you started.