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Extra tags in navigation

  • @punkaun



    I recently noticed that there are extra <br> tags in BP navigation menus, which is causing extra space to display. See the following screen shot.

    I’m running WP 6.3.1 and BP 11.3.1. My website ( uses the theme, Kadence, v 1.1.47. That said, I’ve applied fairly extensive CSS changes to customize the layout.

    When I change to Twenty Twenty-Three, the extra <br> tags disappear. Any thoughts as to what could be causing them to get inserted? Is this a theme issue or is there some other possible explanation?

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  • @punkaun


    Some additional info. I changed my theme to both Astra and GeneratePress in staging to try to confirm if this is a bug with the Kadence theme. The same behavior (the addition of the BR tags) appears in those themes as well–but, again, not with Twenty Twenty-Three.

    Also FYI: I had this working as desired (no BR tags) in Kadence within the last week or two.



    I found the issue. It’s some sort of conflict with the plugin Popup Maker:

    Popup Maker – Popup for opt-ins, lead gen, & more

    The plugin includes a targeting feature that I can use to exclude BP pages. When I apply that filter, or turn the plugin off entirely, the problem goes away.

    Sorry for the clutter!

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