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Facebook Connect on Buddypress WordPress – Gone wierd

  • Hi

    Please can someone help me on this.

    I recently installed bp-fbconnect on

    All of a sudden it now is not working right

    First of all if you click connect you can sign into facebook but then it just loads the homepage of my site in the little connect window.

    If I exit that and go back to the main website it says I am logged in, but it doesnt bring in my profile picture.

    Also now the log out of site and facebook link does not do anything! what?!!

    Something seriously isnt right here. I have making a whole new application and putting the new api and secret key in but it still does the same.

    Can anyone confirm that minimum amount of setting i need to fill in on the facebook application settings for this to work on my website, as i want to make sure I havnt changed a setting that is causing this.



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