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Facing big trouble, need help >

  • @dbsimon


    Hi, my wordpress is down currently. At first, I downloaded and uploaded the buddypress-mobile to the folder /wp-content/plugins/. After I activated the buddypress-mobile, I was told to install the buddypress main plugin. Then I downloaded the file from this website and uploaded to that folder again /wp-content/plugins/, and activate also the buddypress. Once I press the activate button, my wordpress website was down till now. I have tried to delete the buddypress folder and reinstall it, still not work! Can you suggest? please…. I am using the zymichost!

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  • @modemlooper


    Try renaming your plugins folder to “pluginsoff”. Then try to access your wordpress admin. If you can then access the admin then change the plugins folder back to “plugins”



    WOW !! my site is back!! but when I change back the plugins folder back to “plugins”, “not found” again!
    How can I root out the cause? it should be related to buddypress installed wrongly
    Anyway, thanks so much!



    It’s one of the plugins. You can test by renaming each plugin folder the same way. when you find the plugin that’s causing the problem delete it.



    I knew that was the plugin of buddypress. However, once I delete this pludgin, and I access to my wordpress, it will display something like: files of buddypress are missing….. I don’y know how to disable the plugin of buddypress><!

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