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fatal error

  • @websitevala


    i found error in bp-members/bp-member-notifications.php on line 76
    how to solve it i try to modify it but still create a issue and some of theme function are not working correctly and also widget are not running
    if any body know tell me what can i do ?

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  • @hnla


    You will need to start by actually explaining what the error is, we can’t suggest anything until you provide a little detail, list the error message, what you’re doing at the time to cause it, and the versions of BP/WP, theme in use and plugins.



    when i login in site at top bar i saw that error it saw bp-members-notifications.php on line 76
    i used latest version of buddypress and also use buddypress activity plus and in wordpress version 3.3.2 and wordpress theme is huddle but i can’t understand that error i also modify that file also but still sawing problem and that wise i can’t handle the theme file widget i can’t access the any widget to modify or change it so anyone who help me ???



    And does the error still exist if you deactivate your custom theme and revert to using the BP default theme? As for modifying core BP files you shouldn’t really and if you have we have no knowledge of what those mods are or how they are affecting things.



    i also try another theme but no anything new or solve error the error will be display on top bar in notification tab and that error cause so much trouble and i can’t do anything in my theme or widget area



    what changes did you make to the core BP file and have you tried reverting those changes? When you say “try another theme” you want to test by running the bp-default theme not any other with all plugins deactivated – other than that it’s very difficult to help further without seeing the actual error.



    when i disable buddypress plugin then it’s ok site working is perfectly but when i reactivate buddypress it saw same error and i switch default theme of buddypress that time also i have problem



    Think you need to post up the actual error message as I asked earlier as it’s very difficult to think what this issue is.



    at top bar notification tab i see error is = bp-members/bp-member-notifications.php on line 76




    Most likely you have installed a plugin for adding posts ( one click post Maybe)

    Here is how to get rid of that error.

    1-open you PHPMyadmin ( your MySQL database from your hosting control )
    2-Look up a table called “wp_bp_notifications”
    3-in that table look under the column “component_name”, delete the entire row of any field you find empty under that column

    This should fix your problem, please let me know if you have any questions

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