Hi Matt,
Did you get this resolved? I seem to be getting the same error soon after I installed and tried to activate the theme from the admin console. Any feedback will be great!
Update your home and member themes.
If you’re using a custom theme – take the search form out of the header and replace it with <?php bp_search_form() ?>
Hi Andy,
I tried updating the home and member themes…but dont see any success. I’m getting the following error when I select the buddypress theme from the ‘design’ console:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_search_form_action() in /home/thekartn/public_html/chennairunnersorg/site/wp-content/themes/buddypress-home/header.php on line 33
I’m using WordPress v2.6.5 and the latest version of Buddypress (downloaded from the website on 1st Jan ’09). Is there a compatibility issue? Thanks in advance for the help!
I am experiencing the same error. I have WordPress MU 2.6.5 installed and the BuddyPress Combo package, downloaded on the 5th of January 2009. There are no custom themes, just the default Wordrpess MU and BuddyPress theme.
What can be the problem?
If you are seeing “Call to undefined function bp_search_form_action()” then you are mixing trunk files up with beta 1 files.
You cannot use the beta 1 themes with the trunk plugins. If you’re going to update your BuddyPress installation with the trunk, you need to make sure the themes are the trunk versions too.
There are still last minute changes going into the themes until 1.0 final.
hi, i’ve downloaded and installed the latest combo (beta 2) but when i try to activate the home theme i view this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_search_form() in /home/…/public_html/wp-content/themes/buddypress-home/header.php on line 33
what’s wrong? thanks
I have this same problem arturo84. I am using WP MU 2.7 and BuddyPress beta 2 on a Windows XAMPP.
In advance, thanks.
@Arturo84, I reinstalled and followed the instructions in the readme.txt closely and fixed the problem. Try to reinstall, thanks.
thanks Samuel 
i’ve deleted and re-upload the home theme files and all work fine now… i don’t know why but it’s ok!
I had that but it was because I loaded buddypress as a subfolder
“Move contents of the extracted folder into “wp-content/mu-pluginsâ€. All files should be in the root of “mu-plugins†not in a sub folder. For example, “mu-plugins/bp-core.php†NOT “mu-plugins/buddypress/bp-core.php—
Once I did that it was fine