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fatal error message

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  • paripari


    PLease help me guys….

    @paripari it’s the weekend so help is likely to be a little slower.

    Based on what you show it’s going to be quite hard to suggest what’s wrong apart from the obvious & from a jpg without any other detail of the events surrounding the problem almost impossible.

    I can just about see that your using a custom theme ( I have quite good eyesight but that text is really small!) and that you have the issue referenced as occurring from the sidebar.php of the theme, I’m guessing a custom bp loop or widget. You’ll need initially to approach the theme authors and ask them if they can help out, if not then re-post here but supply a little detail about your setup and the sidebar file contents.



    Your theme is using an older BuddyPress function – bp_is_member().

    Switch that out for bp_is_user().

    🙂 we might have spotted that – regardless you’ll need to approach the theme authors to update their theme or find a new theme.



    Thank you guys.

    This one did the trick.

    Your theme is using an older BuddyPress function – bp_is_member().

    Switch that out for bp_is_user().

    Theme author will update


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