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‘Favourite’ content

  • @hempsworth


    Hi all,

    I’d like to allow users of my site the ability to mark any content, blog posts, comments, forum topics/replies, private messages, wire posts – as ‘Favourite’ items, and then those items be available on a page for them.

    How would I go about this do you think?



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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    I’m going to migrate some of the bbPress “favorites” idea into a BuddyPress plugin eventually. I was thinking of opening this up to site wide links as well, which would just involve a link in the header or footer, if logged in, to add that location to your favorites.

    I think it’s very doable, but would either need to be added to the trac as a feature request, or be done as another BP plugin, separate from the others.



    Yeah I definitely think this should start as a BP component. A route I was looking at was taking the URL of that item, because every item has a unique URL; comments, blog posts, forum posts etc.

    What I was thinking was having a link next to each one which saves that URL (using AJAX) into a table as a new row: user_1_favourites.

    Each item would have three pieces of data,

    * the item name

    * the item URL

    * what type it is (forum topic, blog post etc)

    Then the user could visit and see/manage their favourites.

    But… I’m a PHP newbie and haven’t even written a WP plugin before… help? lol





    Haha… No it’s doable, but to be honest there are so many links all over the page at any given point, that having the same little icon next to everyone of them to add it to your favorite would be pretty ugly looking.

    I think if I was going to do it, I would have a link in the header, and maybe a “bp favorites” bookmark in your browser, a mini app, that you can visit to add the current page to your bp favorites, with the type of criteria you’ve mentioned.

    I see how it’s possible, and I think I will need this type of functionality soon myself, so I hope to be involved in the production of this later on. :)



    Yeah I’m a UI developer (why I don’t currently know much PHP), and the idea of tonnes of icons everywhere was giving me a headache… But I would probably have it appear when you hover over the item, so hovering over a wire post would show a small icon on the top right of the post.

    The problem I have with favourite-ing the entire page is that the content on that may change and the specific information you wanted to save might get lost. Permalinks for the items guarantees them being saved correctly.

    This is actually part of a BP toolbox a site I’m developing needs; where each item on the site will have options to:

    * save it as a favourite for later

    * give it good/bad karma

    * report the item to admins

    Each function will be available through small icons which appear on hovering over the item.

    The karma system will allow us to show top rated items on parts of the sites, in a ‘Popular Now’ section, as well as making it easier for site admins to choose featured content (users will basically be giving it to us). The moderation feature is also needed as the site I’m developing is for many international youth groups, so we need to be careful what content gets through the net.

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