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Feature Request: Hastags

  • @idotter


    Hi there

    Now when you can mention some other members with these @username stuff, it would be great to see the other twiter-feature – hastags.

    Would it be possible to integrate this into buddypress 1.2 + ?

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  • @apeatling


    Not for 1.2, but if someone wanted to build a plugin that auto links them to an activity search?

    The search functionality is already there, it’s just a matter of linking it in the interface.



    Andy, I see that you’ve commented in bp_search_form_type_select() (bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php) that eventually there’ll be a single search page to bring together all content types. Am I right that it doesn’t exist yet? If not, where do you think hashtag search links should link, since all search is specific either to groups or forums or members or blogs?



    Doesn’t a tagging plugin already exist?



    Boone: I was thinking this would simply search the activity stream and return a list of all activity that matches the hashtag. The same way Twitter search works. In the long run this could perhaps be linked in with a global search by tag feature.



    I never use the search function on BP. It’s a pitty, but it doesn’t motivate when you have to specify so many different types of possibilities.

    I also read the comment in function bp_search_form_type_select() and i would love if this could be implemented in BP.

    I’m pretty much in love with buddypress exept how forums work (see here: ) and how activities and so discussions slowly get lost on the screen (see here:

    Hastags would be also a great addition to get people to what is “in” at the moment.

    is great too … but BP shows the fullname and average user will never be patient enough to look up the username on the profile URL.

    Note this is all constructive criticism – i love what you guys have done so far!! Great work, especially the new theme and the improved activity stream!



    I was thinking about a simple search about the activity stream but when they get linked to tags in blogs or forum-posts that would be really great!



    @David Lewis can you tell me more about a tagging plugin ?





    @David Lewis THX



    It’s coming guys!!! Check and go to your profile.. awesome!!!



    I’ll bite, @Bowe, what am I looking for on my profile at I can’t see anything new lately.



    Bowe’s excited about the new @mentions page, which appears on the homepage when you’re logged in.

    #hashtags support isn’t available yet.



    Twitter is confusing. Why emulate it?



    Twitter has some great ideas and if you look at this site for instance.. I want to notify you of something in a different topic then this. I reply to that topic and say something like

    “I think @davidlewis might find this very interesting”

    You get notified that I mentioned you in this topic and it only took me 1 character to do this. I think this is an absolutely great feature which only on would save everyone massive amounts of time :-D



    it would be great to have hastags … and it would also be great to have all tags available in one search (e.g. klick on tag ‘buddypress’ in blogpost will show a site where messages, forumposts, blogarticels are listed).

    and of course: go for 1.2 i just installed it and it’s great!



    You can easily implement hashtags by making all words with # before it a “tag” in the main blog where BuddyPress is installed. Then you would automatically have a popular subjects cloud (by using the cloud widget).



    I guess @ and # works great for people who understand it. Just like a UNIX prompt works great for people who know how to use it. So no harm including that ability for those folks. But I don’t know. I think the average user would be confused. And the average user is not on Twitter. So it would be new to them.

    The other thing is, you’re relying on raw text strings for this functionality give good results. If you type @davelewis or @david lewis or @davidlouis… I won’t see your mention of me. I think there’s probably a better way. A more foolproof and friendly ‘point and click’ way. Or maybe… crazy talk here… when you type a word starting with @… an auto-complete list could popup and change as you type.

    Overall though, I see the whole @ and # thing on Twitter as something that developed out of necessity due to Twitter’s severely limited functionality. It’s certainly not what made the site big I don’t think. What made it big was the fact that you could follow anyone you want and that you could do it on your cell phone. So it became a kind of world-wide MSN that you could use anywhere. Just with a radically stripped down feature set and only 140 character messages.

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