Thanks for suggestion. However, will this one work with 3.0? A lot has changed in the new WP and plugins that list their compatibility with 2.9 may be tricky to use with 3.0. Still, I would like suggest the core development team to consider adding galleries as internal feature of BP, rather than a plugin as it’s one of the fundamental features of any social network. I believe that’s a fair request.
it does return an error on fresh WP installation with BP (using WP v3.0.1). The error looks like this:
`Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘bp_activity_make_nofollow_filter’ was given in /public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 166
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_has_activities() in public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-album/includes/bp-album-templatetags.php on line 403
Oops, another update:
looks like there is a v0.1.9 of the plugin which may fix this error. Let me give it a try. Kind of huge, though – 7.5MB 
Nevermind, 0.1.9 breaks everything. Gives error upon install, breaks the theme, returns huge errors trying to use it and a 404 error when trying to upload an image. Back to the old release and one more time request for the core developers to consider adding this as an internal feature of BP.
@Hitler, 0.1.9 has not been released yet. There is only a beta build for that. Wait until 0.1.9 is released, I’m patiently waiting for that too…
Trust me, it will be completely worth it.
@thelandman, thanks for updates, man. Will wait for the official release. Hope it will be as kick butt as it seems 
@thelandman, sorry to bug you again but you seem very knowledgeable. Is there a way to add comments on profile pages to BP? You know – like virtually every social network has – you come to a profile page of another member and leave a comment if you like their profile, or agree with them based on their forum posts or whatever…
@Hitler, unfortunately there is no way to write on a users profile “wall” with BP. The system implemented with BP is similar to how Twitter works. User’s communicate through @ mentions or simply commenting on another user’s status.
@thelandman, @hitler
With some template coding, you can enable writing on other people’s walls – it’s done on this site for instance… click through to any member, and you’ll see the post box at the top!
I haven’t looked in to the coding, but suspect it’s just a ‘simple’ case of hiding the @mention ‘behind’ the post form
@thelandman – yes, that should do it