I’m working on a “PRO” (and for pro i mean really deep integration) plugin that integrate MediaWiki and BuddyPress.
i’ll update you on this project, or see bp-dev.org for news
I am also very very interested in a wiki plugin for buddypress.
Instinct Entertainment (http://wp-wiki.org/) has produced a nice plugin, but it does not function fully in posts and pages. However, it’s really simple and nice.
Thanks Nicola for your update on this.
@Lifemore – Thanks for the link. That’s the same guy who makes the eCommerce theme right? I was aware of that Wiki for WP but haven’t tried it with BP. I’ll have to try it out. I’m not super keen on Elgg (it looks really good feature-wise… but just not quote as polished and user-friendly… and perhaps a little more tricky to theme). And the idea of trying to mash up a dozen plugins with Drupal makes me nauseous. LOL 
@Nicola – Good stuff!!!
@Nicola – Great, i would like to here more!