I never figured out the organic method to do this, which I’m sure would’ve been a lot cleaner.
I ended up solving my problem by using the outdated “activity-as-blog-comments” plugin, but it required a few tweaks to the plugin and my 3-column theme (bp-columns) to get everything functioning properly. The concise answer to the riddle probably lays there-within, but alas, I don’t know what half that stuff does. Good luck in your adventures, brave warrior.
@frequeunce, I think that have one comment thread for post and another comment thread for activity is confusing for users. I would hope that another buddypress user can solve this.
12 years, 1 month ago
I’m trying to swap out my post comments for activity comments using this method in comments.php:
if ( bp_has_activities( $filterparty ) ) :
while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity();
locate_template( array( ‘activity/entry.php’ ), true, false );
I have it sorted down to the post specific level, so it displays the proper comments for the post, taken from the activity steam. I can’t figure out how to make the buttons work, such as Comment, Favorite, and Delete (for admins). I’m fairly new to WordPress/Buddypress so I was hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
(WP 3.2.1 + BP 1.5.1)