Hi everyone, my site is at http://www.autoaddict.co.uk if it helps 
Again, thanks for any help anyone can provide
Can anybody help at all? Im desperate. I know it seems a pretty trivial thing, but im not experienced and so am struggling to deal with it. Thanks to anybody who can help
What alignment are you having trouble with?
As for finding everything, if you haven’t already installed Firefox+Firebug, do that now. Firebug is super handy for browsing sites and debugging layout issues.
Done using firebug with your website
Try replacing this
<div id="container">
<div id="content">
with this
<div id="container">
<div id="content">
<div class='box box_medium box1'>
You need to do this to all the pages below, plus any plugin pages that are added.
* /activity/index.php
* /blogs/index.php
* /forums/index.php
* /groups/index.php
* /groups/create.php
* /groups/single/home.php
* /groups/single/plugins.php
* /members/index.php
* /members/single/home.php
* /members/single/plugins.php
* /registration/register.php
* /blogs/create.php
* /registration/activate.php
The above code hasn’t changed anything.
This issue appears in the pages listed above, as the sidebar has been moved to below the content. I’ve created an account where you can go in and see the issue for yourselves, as I don’t think you’d be able to see it otherwise.
user: test
password: test
Thanks for the help so far, even if it hasn’t worked out I still appreciate it
If you could go in and have a nosey that would be great
You need to assign a width to your content or muck around with floating your sidebar the way the bp-default theme does it.
Look at the styling for div#content .padder and #sidebar in the bp-default theme’s default.css. That should help you float your sidebar back into the right place.
Or just load firebug on the testbp.org website and see how it’s floating #sidebar into place by changing the margin of the #content .padder.