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Follow me on Buddypress (plugin)

  • @pedromiguel


    On next days i will try to make a plugin to add a banner/batch to users use outside buddypress and share your url.

    I already have the code to do this on a single wordpress instalation, now is time to learning how to integrate on buddypress.

    This will be my form of contribution to this comunity.

    If someone can give me some tips about the plugin creation will be great.

    The plugin will do this:

    – Get the activity of the user

    – Create a png image with site logo, a setence defined by site admin and the last user activity

    – Display on a slug/page that banner with html/bbc code tags

    My developer skills are very low/begginer, so dont rely on this plugin be done, I will try but I cant promisse anything.

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