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For better results, make sure to upload an image that is larger than 0px wide, a

  • @holgergr



    I use BP 2.4.3 with my own theme that I made from scratch. Everything seems to work fine, except the cover Image function. When I upload a picture I recieve a error message, that reads: For better results, make sure to upload an image that is larger than 0px wide, and 225px tall. And because the with is 0 no picture is seen.

    To encircle the problem I switched over to the bp-default theme that vame with the pugin. There is noch cover upload option at all. I then switched over to the twentyfifteen (all themes are provided with the same additional buddypress files of course). I seen the function and the already uploaded image (that I uploaded from my own theme) in a perfect manner.

    So, I’m pretty sure that the theme locks or unlocks this function. But I can’t figure out what the diffrences are that unlocks this function in my theme.

    It would bee cool if someone had the same problems and also the solution.

    Best wishes

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  • @jakecarvey


    Did you find the solution to this issue? Thanks!



    In my own exploration, it seems as though Social Chef does NOT support cover images – there on none on the example site on themeforest.

    I do intend to implement them myself in a child theme.



    This is happening to me as well. I use Genesis as my theme. No custom cover photo sizes have been set either. I find it strange that the error is 0px.



    I had the same problem. I could upload an cover image but got the warning “For better results, make sure to upload an image that is larger than 0px wide, and 225px tall. ”

    After entering the following code in /wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php i could i could upload the image. but it is still not showing.

    function your_theme_xprofile_cover_image( $settings = array() ) {
            $settings['width']  = 640;
            $settings['height'] = 300;
    	$settings['default_cover'] = '/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/blog_header_640x300.jpg';
        return $settings;
    add_filter( 'bp_before_xprofile_cover_image_settings_parse_args', 'your_theme_xprofile_cover_image', 10, 1 ); // for the members Cover Images
    add_filter( 'bp_before_groups_cover_image_settings_parse_args', 'your_theme_xprofile_cover_image', 10, 1 ); // for the groups Cover Images

    To test if i can show an cover image i did enter the following CSS code with Firebug and the cover image will show. Unfortunnaly not the one i uploaded 🙁

    #buddypress #header-cover-image
    height: 300px;
    width: 640px;
    background-image: url('/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/blog_header_640x300.jpg');

    I think i experience this problems because i’m using a child theme, but not sure for that.
    See my post: Cover image in child theme



    Did anyone find a solution to this? Im having the same issue, and im running the Genesis framework



    @fearthemoose, a solution is partially given in this topic. Check just the correct way to write the function from here:

    BuddyPress Cover Images

    It’s important also to try first with a Twenty theme, as the issue could came from your theme or another plugin as BP.

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