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[Resolved] Forgot password function only working for new users

  • @blg002


    I haven’t pinpointed the exact date but it appears that for older user of my site the forgot password function is not working. I confirmed this by testing with my original admin user (doesn’t work), and with both a newer and brand-new user (works for both).

    If the function does work `/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword` is sent to `/wp-login.php?checkemail=confirm` when it doesn’t it is sent to `/wp-login.php`

    Anyone have any thoughts?

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  • @blg002


    going to bump this up to see if i can get a response.



    Figured it out. It was the ‘New User Approve’ plugin. This thread has a fix.



    Cool, glad it’s resolved. Usually the best route is to check what plugins are active and even reduce one by one to see what is impacting.

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