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Front End Image Upload + Buddypress Crop Tool

  • @shaunbakic860



    In desperate need for a function where a custom user type is currently on viewing a custom post type (single.php) where they can upload images from the front end and crop on the front end aswell before attaching to the post in the exact same style and fashion as the edit profile image screen.

    I am currently using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin along with Advanced Custom Fields: Image Crop Add-on. I have managed to create a custom field type “user image crop” and used the native Advanced Custom Field <?php acf_form(); ?> to display the form to upload the image on the front end.

    My issue is that, when the user goes to browse for the image, it browses through the media library popup. And I do not want the user to see what is inside the media library at all. I would just like for the user to be able to upload the image to the post on the front end exactly like on the page for buddypress where the user can upload a profile image and crop without any popups.

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