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Front End User Blog

  • @my2hands


    Ok, another attempt at this question in this support forum….

    I have a project, which i will outline below so as to illustrate what it is that i need in full.

    Obviously, I am making a social network as i am using Buddypress and most of what i need is already sorted out, but for a very specific reason i need each user to have thier own mini blog type thing. this is because i want to allow thier blog posts to be voted on by the other users of the site so i can then decide to link to thier post or copy it into a new post on the main blog. sort of a self managed site in a way. so, the things i have set up at the moment is a site wide forum, groups with forums (which have thier own blogs and need to stay intact so i cant somehow use the groups functions for my end result) and thats about it, pages will be added when content is provided through the afformentioned system.

    what i need is mini blogs, journals or whatever you want to call it embeded into profiles so each user an use them. I’d like them to be activated on a per user basis, so not everyone has them unless an admin adds them, but that isnt strictly neccersary as long as i can have the blogs. also these blogs should have some categorys or something similar.

    I know i could set up a multisite and have a blog per user but this is way to bloated for what i actually need so i would rather not do this. so is there anything that anyone can suggest. I did find a plugin called profile portfolio that looked like it might be adaptable but it has not been updated in some time.

    thanks for your time and i await your replies.

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  • @modemlooper


    What about using gravity forms for front end blog posting?



    would that allow for each user to have a seperate blog, or would that make it so users posted in the general areas (ie posting in the categories for the site not thier own areas)



    Users can only have a blog if you use Multisite or add them to the blog BP is installed on. Gravity Forms allows users not added to a blog to add posts from the front end. You could then loop out the posts from each user as a blog post attaches id of submitter.

    This is just one possible solution. You could also create a BuddyPress component.



    i find it strange that there isnt something that could be done, i mean the grop blog for instance works pretty much how i would like this to work, so how come no one seems to be doing this? i love wordpress and buddypress but for this prject i think i’ll have to find an alternative if there is one and i hate doing that.

    what do you mean by a buddypress component?



    I mean if its not available you have to create it yourself.



    lol, thats why i was asking, if i could create it myself i would have :P i am learning slowly but not for something that complex, though i did have the idea of using the same basis of code that the groups do, probably wouldnt work though



    Can you edit title of this topic to say “front end user blog”

    I am developing a paid plugin for front end user blogs but its a few months away from release



    @modemlooper – are you still developing the “front end user blog” mentioned above? Thanks.



    Haven’t started it yet, try this plugin



    Hi i did, do you know as well how to have customized fields (text/radio/select) on the Buddyblog/BP Simple Front End post? Is there an easy code insert or can it get integrated with an existing form customizing pluging (Types etc)? It would help a lot & thanks!



    You should ask the developer of that plugin. 😉



    Thanks i will!

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