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Functions.php using Pre-1.1+ theme

  • @colinloretz


    When I upgraded from BP 1.0.3 to 1.1, my BP site didn’t show up at all. I discovered it was because of the functions.php file in my main theme. I went ahead and commented out the actions that “Catch specific URLs” (They can be viewed here: )

    Doing so made the site work perfectly except for the registration and activation pages. ‘’ now takes me to ‘wp-login.php?redirect_to=’, obviously because the functions that were catching the URL before are no longer active. I’ve tried changing the functions.php file to make it work but it doesn’t seem to like anything I do and it prevents the site from loading.

    My pre-1.1+ buddypress theme is still working when the functions.php file is commented out and I plan on moving it the child-parent framework soon but I need to resolve this signup issue with the pre-1.1+ theme until I can do so.

    Any assistance/tips would be great!



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  • @colinloretz


    Fixed this issue. Use the Functions.php file inside of /bp-themes/deprecated/bphome in the 1.1rc branch.

    Because I intend to move to 1.1 with a parent-child theme, I’ve been liberal in changing the bp core files to make it work with my deprecated theme as a temporary fix but there are two issues with 1.1 and old themes that I ran into.


    There is a function called ‘get_edit_html’ that is deprecated from the BP_XProfile_Field class. (it still exists in a deprecated class extension but it’s having a hard time finding it). I simply moved it back into the BP_XProfile_Field Class and everything works again.


    Even with the functions.php file correct, it fails to find the activation page because it tries to use the new activation screen from 1.1. You need to add the following to LINE 9 of bp-core/bp-core-activation.php. This will check if you’re using a legacy theme and then default to looking for the activate.php in your bphome theme.

    if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/bp-themes' ) )
    return false;

    My next steps:

    These issues and changes to the core only apply to deprecated themes. I will do a fresh BP install of 1.1 when we are ready for the parent-child theme.

    Site launch in t-minus….4 days!

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