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Get activity item title – best option

  • @macpresss


    What is the best option to get the title of an activity item?

    I made this.

    $activity_item_title = get_post( bp_get_activity_secondary_item_id() );
    $activity_item_title = $activity_item_title->post_title;
    <?php echo $activity_item_title; ?>

    Or should I get the action column in the wp_bp_activity database table. This is a string glued all together from multiple parts and start stripping/trimming everything around the title.

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  • @henrywright


    get_post() will get a WordPress post from the wp_posts table. This is different to a BuddyPress activity item which is stored in the wp_bp_activity table.



    True, but because the content I’m after is all glued together as one solid string inside the action column I have to fish in other database tables to get the content relative to the item. Nothing is saved separately in the wp_bp_activity table.

    But the Primary or Secondary item ID of an activity item always matches the ID in the wp_post table depending on what you’re after.

    I just don’t know what impact this will have on overal performance when I go wish in other tables for content.



    I just don’t know what impact this will have on overal performance when I go wish in other tables for content.

    It depends. WordPress and BuddyPress do a great job when it comes to optimising queries but there are things that will cause a big site to simply fall over (the meta_value column isn’t indexed for example so meta querying could be problematic).




    I’ve been testing the get_post() option and the overal number of queries stay the same in the debug bar.



    The title should already be saved in activity meta.

    $title = bp_activity_get_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), 'post_title' );

    This is assuming that the activity item you are checking for is from a blog post.



    No I’m busy focussing on the bbPress items for starters, topics and replies as of now.

    I have disabled all activity_items to the stream by default except topics and replies. I want to add more items but one at a time and controlled. A BuddyPress site can become overkill feature wise very fast because everything is so connected and relative with each other.

    Topics and replies in the stream.

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