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Getting Registration Errors

  • @learntodesign


    Hi there. Is there anyway to get all of the registration errors that occurred so that I can echo them?

    I am familiar with calling errors like this $bp->signup->errors[‘field_’ . $field_id], but is there any way that I can echo all the registration errors at once?

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  • @danbp


    You can activate wp_debug mode.



    Hi Dan. Thank you for the suggestion. However I don’t think that would be sufficient in my case because I am trying to show these errors to the user.



    Hi, that’s what i expected. You’re not after coding errors, but enduser errors, ie you omitted this field…

    For each xprofile field you create, BP let you select some option. Depending on them, you can see some messages when a field is left blank. These message are displayed by field type, and so far i know, there is no easy way for cibling precisely a given field once you’ve defined a field type.

    The xprofile component is not such a sophisticated tool like ContactForm 7 or similar form plugins. It was created to insert more fields inside the basic WP registration page. Because of this, it is volontary left “simple”. If you need more functionnalities over your custom fields, search for a compatible form plugin who allow that.

    I don’t think that BP let you do much more in matter of field option as actually. Not out of the box and not without a lot of custom coding.



    Hi Dan,

    Thank you for the detailed explanation and suggestion. I will see what I can work up coding wise.

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