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give each blog their own buddypress?

  • @anointed


    Here is what I am trying to figure out with buddypress.

    1. buddypress is going to be installed in a subdomain blog. (I do not want to dedicate my root blog for buddypress, rather use it as an entry point for people to be able to register their own blogs)

    2. A user goes to my root domain and registers their new blog – normal wpmu behavior

    3. I have it setup now where a user can register direcly on the subdomain blog without having to leave that blog for registration. (that part of wpmu never made any sense to me – sending a user to another blog to register)

    I did this because my ‘client’ blogs do NOT want their users to even know that they are using a hosted blog from my service. They are supposed to be autonomous. This really comes into play when using domain mapping.

    Imagine being a visitor going to site ‘xyz’ and when you click register you are sent to site ‘abc’ for registration…. That wpmu feature makes zero sense and only serves to tick off my blog owners. So we created a custom plugin to allow wpmu to register users directly on the subdomain itself. (also gives option for subdomain to turn off blog registrations when signing up as that would also make no sense to the user, they just want to register at a site to comment)

    Now the buddypress part:

    wpmu allows me to automatically add new users to any chosen blog behind the scenes. So I will set it to auto add new users to the ‘buddypress’ subdomain blog.

    Here is what I can’t figure out:

    It ‘seems’ to me that buddypress for some seriously unknown reason to me, is using it’s own registration system. It seems to store the username/profile name etc in a totally different area than just simply relying upon the wpmu tables for users….

    (someone should take the time to explain why in the world bp uses a sep reg system)

    Anyhow here is what I am trying to do:

    When a ‘regular’ user registers at a subdomain blog, they should automatically be added to buddypress. That way when they click their ‘wp-admin’ button (I’ll rename that later) they are taken to their buddypress profile page.

    Here’s the real catch:

    I do NOT want them going to the subdomain that buddypress is installed on. I want them to stay on the domain in question, only display their bp profile within the domain in question.

    Kind of like giving each site it’s ‘own’ buddypress, but not really.

    This would allow me to do 2 important things:

    1. Each blog has it’s own ‘buddypress social networking’ display, appearing independant.

    (I have to imagine that if is ever going to implement bp, they will have to do this, as not all blog owners would want their members sent to a separate social networking site).

    2. It gives me the ability to also create a ‘site-wide’ social network using bp that encompasses all users from all blogs.

    I plan on giving the blog owners the option of allowing their members to participate in the ‘primary bp’ blog.. some clients will like their members being part of a larger community, while others would never allow it.

    So How do I go about this?

    1. dumping the separate bp registration so if a member registers on any blog, they are already registered into bp.

    2. each blog has it’s ‘own’ bp area


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  • @jeffsayre




    @Jeff – It’s ‘similar’ to what I am talking about, but not really.

    I guess the best way to put it is: ‘How do I turn buddypress into buddypress-mu?’

    Believe me, I was trying to avoid asking the question like that because it’s a little deceptive. Obviously if there were a buddypress-mu then all of my problems would be solved out of the box.

    I seriously doubt we’ll see buddypress-mu anytime soon, enless there is information I am not aware of.

    In the meantime, I was thinking of taking a different approach with bp.

    With my new plugins, each blog has it’s own member base. (members are transparently added in the background to the root blog as well as the future bp blog behind the scenes through the wpmu admin)

    Now since each blog has it’s own member base, I would then have to figure out how to tell buddypress to only display information pertinent to those members who belong to the blog in question.

    example: I create buddypress pages on a subdomain blog and add the bp widgets

    members list would only show members belonging to that blog via filters

    activity would only show activity from those members of that blog


    All that part would be possible if we can figure out how to dump the buddypress registration, and have buddypress use the built in wpmu registration system. That’s because wpmu already knows which blogs a member belongs to.

    Seriously… why in the world does buddypress have a separate user system in the first place, when wpmu has a world class user system already available to use………

    anyhow, I hope that makes more sense.



    btw.. the only reason I don’t have buddypress installed right now is I got sick of all the problems trying to upgrade wpmu from 2.7.1 to 2.8.4a with buddypress involved.

    So I took the nuclear route and wiped everything out with a fresh install of 2.8.4a

    I am waiting until next week when buddypress 1.1 is finally official before I install it again.

    Not to mention that prior versions of buddypress just didn’t like being installed onto a blog id other than 1. (I tried every ‘hack’ on these forums to get buddypress to place nice on blog id#30 but it never took)

    I’m seriously hoping that buddypress has solved the issue of installing it onto a blog other than id#1 in the new buddypress 1.1



    I don’t think anyone has tried anything like BP-Mu, and I am very doubtful that the internals would support such a thing without serious hacking.

    BuddyPress *does* use the existing WordPress user tables/routines, etc. I have no idea what you mean by “separate user system.” You can just remove the BuddyPress /register files and use the WPMU user registration.

    There’s no guarantee BP 1.1 will be released next week. Soon, but I’d advise not getting your hopes up.

    As far as I’m aware, there’s no issues with running BP on a blog ID other than 1. If you want to be certain, download the current trunk copy and test it out; it’s not too late for bug fixes to go in.



    Much like Anointed, I would like my members to have their blogs integrated into the BP site. Right now a new member blog is created using the plain default WP theme and does not keep the look and feel of the site.

    On the BP website, I’ve seen screenshots where it looks like the blogs are integrated/have the same theme. Why is my install doing it differently? I want my users to create blogs, but have them actually look like they are a part of the site, not a separate entity altogether.

    I posed this question in another thread I believe, but then my original handle went MIA in these forums, so I’ve had to create a new one and have since lost the thread.



    @dwpers – Actually I want it the other way around. I don’t want my users blogs integrated into the bp site, but want bp integrated into my user blogs. While it sounds like a ‘trivial’ difference it is not.

    I’m trying to figure out how to give each blog owner their own buddypress sub-community. With the new theme system for bp coming out, it should be much easier to integrate bp into my current website themes. Then I would like to only display members/groups/forums/etc that ‘belong’ to that particular blog.

    Think of it from ‘how would integrate buddypress?’

    If they simply just had a ‘huge’ community that everyone was a member of, kind of how ning did it on their ‘home’ site, then no one would ever really be interested. I’m more suspecting that buddypress would become a plugin that each blog would activate on their own to build their own ‘sub-community’. Though I am pretty sure that would follow the ning example and automatically have all members of all blogs become part of a larger community behind the scenes. Whether they know it or not.

    Am I off base here?



    Gotcha, it’s a little confusing what you were trying to say earlier… :)

    It sounds like you’re going to need to write a script that will install mu/bp on the fly for everything member in their own section. I don’t think the way they are coded now you will be able to achieve what you are wanting.



    Bp is not made to work like that. Sounds like you’ll need to fork some bp functions, but also write a completely new plugin from scratch.



    So as the screenshots on the BP homepage show, will it be possible for every member to have their blog integrated into the main site? I don’t like how when they register a blog it kicks them to what looks like Kubrick or w/e the default MU theme is.

    I don’t want members to even have the ability to pick another theme, just have it created within the BP home theme/blog.



    I’m with you anointed. It doesn’t seem the developers thought of this, but it sure would be useful.



    That particular screenshot is *old*, and I’ve never seen a build with that in. Further blog integration is on the roadmap for future relases of BP.



    Um, actually, if you use a multi-site plugin you should be able to do what you want. (I admit, I skimmed, but that’s what I got out of it…) Some edits might be required so they don’t share users.

    “will it be possible for every member to have their blog integrated into the main site? I don’t like how when they register a blog it kicks them to what looks like Kubrick or w/e the default MU theme is.”

    Again, been done a lot, answered plenty. sue the more_blog_defaults plugin or simply replace the ugly default theme with one of your choosing (in a folder called default). don’t enable any other theme and they won’t be able to choose any different, plus get the one you want on setup.



    @Andrea-r – I believe I have the ‘first part’ solved already. That being that each blog has it’s own users. Aaron was kind enough to spend the time building a custom plugin for me that allows users to signup on a subdomain blog without leaving the subdomain. *Aaron rocks!*

    This way each subdomain has ‘it’s own’ members, though all members are automatically added to the primary blog and the bp blog behind the scenes. [expect this plugin to be released on the premium dev site sometime soon so everyone can have it]

    Now that each ‘blog’ will have it’s own users, I have an idea to attack this problem.

    1. As most everything displayed by buddypress is via widgets, I may be able to duplicate the widgets and then write some custom filters to only output what the ‘subdomain blogs’ users have been up to.

    e.g. filtering the activity stream to only show activity from the blogs users which is being displayed.

    2. for those displays that are not widgets, like the members list/groups list/ etc…

    That may take a bit more filtering.

    Anyhow, I have to imagine that buddypress is already thinking about this type of stuff already. I personally just can’t see how they can even begin to implement buddypress on type of sites without this ability.



    Premium dev site != everyone can have it. Premium WPMU plugins detest me.



    @DJPaul: I agree with you DJPaul, and I’m a hardened OSS supporter. If the ‘fees’ are small I feel like it’s more of a donation and I’m ok with them. I would be completely against things if the cost was more. But hey, people are allowed to make money from WordPress and it puts food one many people’s tables.



    I’m a believer of having some sort access to a trial version, or maybe demonstration site, when it comes to OSS. Of course need/should be able to charge money! For example I wouldnt buy a WP theme if I was only able to see a static image of one page before handing it over.



    @DJPaul – Wow I wasn’t intending to start a debate about premium stuff in this thread. I simply paid to have a plugin developed for myself and thought it would be a nice thing to give it away. I have no idea if Aaron is going to offer it on the premium site or the regular site, I’ll leave that up to him.




    If you ever get these figured out:

    “1. As most everything displayed by buddypress is via widgets, I may be able to duplicate the widgets and then write some custom filters to only output what the ‘subdomain blogs’ users have been up to.

    e.g. filtering the activity stream to only show activity from the blogs users which is being displayed.

    2. for those displays that are not widgets, like the members list/groups list/ etc…

    That may take a bit more filtering.”

    I will be a happy camper. I’d love to use BP for my class site, I think the students would really dig it and it brings collaboration into the classroom. I just want the students to see the stuff from the class site and other students portfolios/blogs and not the blogs/sites I host for other things at school.



    @chargertech – When bp 1.1 final is released I will reinstall it on my system and go to town trying to figure it all out.

    Who knows, maybe Andy or someone will chime in someday and give us an example as to how to apply user filters to activity streams and listings.

    I’ve still got to guess that they already have something even better up their sleeves. With automatic behind buddypress, one has to figure that they plan on adding it to someday, which would require this type of functionality.



    I believe that the first huge step towards each buddypress install having it’s ‘own’ members is now complete. In order to accomplish this, we needed to start out where each blog can have it’s own members.

    I just uploaded a new plugin to that may be useful to you. I know many have complained about this.

    It allows people to register for an individual blog using the normal registration process. In WPMU all registrations are forwarded to wp-signup.php, so it is impossible for a visitor to register for only a sub-blog. This plugin overrides WPMU and restores the default WordPress registration page for sub-blogs (


    * Compatible with plugins like Register Plus to control registrations.

    * You can edit the default user role sitewide (subscriber, author, etc.).

    * You can also control whether users can adjust their own blog registration settings.

    * If users can control their own registration settings, a menu with that option appears under Users->User Registrations.

    * Does not affect main blog. Registrations there are maintained at wp-signup.php.

    Check it out:

    I would be curious to hear from the bp devs if this is the right plan of attack for laying the groundwork for individual blogs to have their own buddypress.

    My idea being that once we have ‘separated’ the wpmu members so each member actually registers and belongs to an individual blog, we can then start filtering the bp widgets to only show activity/members/groups/etc.. that belong to the blog which is displayed.

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