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Go back to 2.9.4 (issues with 3.0.0)

  • @knowitallninja


    My site is having issues with 3.0.0, as it is not playing well with memberpress for some reason (throwing up a 500 error when a user creates an account with the memberpress signup form). I would, therefore, like to roll back to 2.9.4 while memberpress investigate the problem.

    However I don’t know how to install a previous version of buddypress over the recent version. Can anyone advise me on this?

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  • @tatiana_k


    I just uploaded 2.9.4 pack and unpacked it. Works fine.

    I hope all the issues are fixed soon.



    @knowitallninja – Did you make a backup of your database before the upgrade? Like phpmyadmin – export – check add drop table or whatever?

    Did you make a backup of your files / folders?

    I would think you could import a backup db into a new db name, delete the buddypress folder.. then change your wp-config to pull info from the other database instead.. then upload the old buddypress..

    There may be more steps – but that is basically the gist I think, which all depends on if you made or have access to backup of your sql database before the updated plugin was activated.

    make a backup of your backups before trying any of this, if I am missing important steps I don’t want your backup ruined. Surely there are better tutorials on this via bing / startpage / duckduckgo search.

    hopefully you’ll hear from memberpress about knowledge of an issue with an update coming at a certain time.



    Hi djsteveb,

    I do have a backup, could I copy the old buddypress folder over the new one?




    that might work, but I would delete the old folder via ftp or whatever so all the 3.0 files are removed.
    again, make another copy of all your files – if you have one copy make a third copy – the files on your server, and the files you have for backup. the databases (the new and the old), all that.

    Thing is you need the new 3.0 bp plugin deleted, then the old database connected and the old plugin re-added.

    I am not a bp tech person or anything, just a long time wp / bp user who knows enough to fudge things up real good and occasionally turn the fudge into working pieces.



    Hey, where can I download the prior version as well?



    From this link :




    as I see there are problems in the last version with custom themes.

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bp_is_user_forums() in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/mytheme/buddypress/members/single/home.php:91 Stack trace: etc etc etc…

    So line 91 I changed to
    elseif ( class_exists('bbPress') && bp_is_user_forums() ) :

    and its working fine now because bbpress is not installed, maybe is better including the new buddypress templates instead but I have edited it to bootstrap classes and IDs so this was a temporary solution for me.




    I just wanted to follow this up. @awpt that doesn’t do anything for my situation at all unfortunately. Are you saying it may be a custom theme problem?

    I’ve noticed another issue, if adding users to a group, even in the backend, it also gives a 500 error.

    I am going to try and roll-back to 2.9.4, though I am not sure I 100% understanding the instructions given here, but I’ll give it a go.




    I have now tried everything except rollback.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled buddypress. I have deactivated every single plugin except buddypress and I have even switched to the twenty-seventeen theme, with no custom code or anything. I am still getting an error when I add a user to a group. The error in my log says this:

    Call to undefined function groups_record_activity() in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-functions.php:588

    So it seems the error is certainly to do with buddypress itself, right? Anyone got any suggestions?



    Thanks for the report, @knowitallninja.

    Sounds like a bug. It seems like you do not have the Activity Streams component active. Can you confirm?

    If you do not have the Activity Streams component active, can you activate it on the “Settings > BuddyPress” page temporarily until we can address this issue?



    Hi @r-a-y

    That’s definitely the issue. I do have activity deactivated. I fixed the issue by commenting out lines 588-592.

    It also fixed my other problem with the free trial, as when users signed up to a free trial it automatically adds them to a buddypress group.

    So it was all down to that.




    Thanks for confirming and finding the bug. I’ve created a ticket here –



    @knowitallninja – There are a couple of other instances of groups_record_activity() that needs to be replaced.



    Participant like this site cam make with boodaypress?



    @proshnotori make your own thread

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