Group and forum problems…
Hi all!
I’m testing my new BP and have some problems with forums and groups:
1) I can’t post a new topic or reply to the forums anymore.
2) I can’t invite friends to the groups (they are my friends and aren’t joined the group). I get a message: Select Friends No friends to invite.
3) I can’t leave a group. I noticed some weird problems on that page… This page (leave a group) doesn’t have a wp-admin-bar and footer at all! Other pages have. I only get messages: “Confirm Leave Group” and “Are you sure you want to leave this group?” but there’s no options “Yes, I’d like to leave this group.” and “No, I’ll stay!”.
The html source code:
<div class="info-group">
<h4>Confirm Leave Group</h4>
<h3>Are you sure you want to leave this group?</h3>
<a href="and that’s it. No (html) code after the
<a href="
4) I can’t reject or accept membership requests by clicking the link in the notice email. If I click the link I get a white page and text “Are you sure you want to do this?” (WordPress failure notice) but no links.
I can create new groups, blogs and new users.
I have WPMU 2.7.1 and BP 1 and bbPress Version 1.0-alpha-6
up, up…
Any helping hints, please?
I have a feeling I’ve just done something wrong and that’s why i’m having these error messages…
But i’m a little bit confused because forums and groups worked fine for a while and then they don’t. I didn’t change the code expect my own theme’s css. I changed default theme back, but still not working..
And own theme worked fine before too.
I got someone to look at the code and the error messages and he said something like there’s no error in the database, but I get the SQL error because the site is trying to make database query with a broken code.
now it was:
´SELECT count(id) FROM WHERE item_id = 1´
and he said it should be:
´SELECT count(id) FROM <TABLE_NAME> WHERE item_id = 1´
He also said that some variable that has that table’s name is missing… Or something like that.
I’m not very familiar with SQL so… and know only php basics…
hmmm… any ideas?
What tables there should be in the database when using buddypress+wpmu+bbpress?
I noticed that i don’t have any table for bp-forums. It was mentioned in some topic here to check out the bp_forums table (not the same problem as mine though) and I just checked tables and noticed that one is actually missing.
How that can be? I have not deleted it. And forums worked fine some time ago, but now they don’t. Before this problem I was able to create new groups in BP and they was created to bbforums as well. Now I can create new groups too, but bbpress doesn’t find them. I can post a new topic and reply posts in bbpress, but not in BP forums.
If I try to post a new topic or reply I get a red error message: “There was an error posting that topic.”
… if anyone is interested in…
I re-installed everything and forums are now working
BUT still have problems with a couple of issues…
1.) Can’t leave a group (still the same problem)
2.) Can’t invite friends to the groups
Haven’t tested the problem #4 (I can’t reject or accept membership requests by clicking the link in the notice email. If I click the link I get a white page and text “Are you sure you want to do this?” (WordPress failure notice) but no links.”
The inability to accept/reject membership requests and the “Are you sure you want to do this?” error message are related to wp security issues. wpmu 2.7.1 uses things called ‘nonces’ that ensure that the user who got the form actually submitted it back.
I don’t know what member theme you are using but if you are trying to use an older version of a member theme with wpmu 2.7.1 and bp 1.0 it will fail like that if it wasn’t written to pay attention to ‘nonces’.
OK, so the problem might be in the theme?
I have own theme and find out some minor problems there but when using bp 1.0 default theme (BuddyPress Default Member Theme (1.0)), I still have the same problems.
The weirdest problem is leaving the group. When logged in and on the Groups Directory/Groups Listing page, it is no problem to leave a group, but when I try to leave a group on group’s own page (e.g. ) by clicking the Leave Group -button, I get problem #3 from my 1st post (…This page (leave a group) doesn’t have a wp-admin-bar and footer at all! Other pages have. I only get messages: “Confirm Leave Group” and “Are you sure you want to leave this group?” but there’s no options “Yes, I’d like to leave this group.” and “No, I’ll stay!”. ….)
Having the same problem with leaving the group as Sugarmindy (can only leave group on ‘’ page; the other method I’m getting blank page).
Sugarmindy: as for inviting friends and other JavaScript related problems, try checking if you don’t have declaration of jquery.js file doubled in header – so if other plugins aren’t interfering through wp_head()
I don’t know exactly what to look for in header… but (I obviously like the word but here
) noticed when comparing’s html source and mine that in header I have different code on line 11:
Mine is:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css' media='' />
and’s is:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css' media='' />
Meaning that instead of bp-activity I have bp-blogs…
Everything else seems to be similar. Is this a problem and why is my code different from’s?? (I’m using BP’s default theme now, before fixing my own theme.) I have changed nothing in BP’s default theme.
OK this is something stupid I tried…
I deleted
<?php bp_group_leave_confirm_link() ?>
on leave-group-confirm.php file (lines 27 and 28) and this way the leave group page displays right but (again the but! ha…!) links Yes, I’d like to leave this group and and No, I’ll stay! don’t work.So the problem has to be in that part, hasn’t it?
edit: “The inability to accept/reject membership requests and the “Are you sure you want to do this?” error message are related to wp security issues. wpmu 2.7.1 uses things called ‘nonces’ that ensure that the user who got the form actually submitted it back.”
Has this “leave a group” something to do with these ‘nonces’? I’m guessing it does, because URL-line includes “leave-group?_wpnonce”…
yep, seems to be quiet here, very quiet…
@Peterpan77 – please do not shout. No-one replied to your last post a week ago, and shouting won’t have convinced anyone otherwise.
If you do not have exactly the same problems that Sugarmindy has, please start a new topic.
@Sugarmindy – most of this thread consists of posts you have made. Personally I find it very hard to collect and compile all of your info in my head. Can I suggest we start over? Please reply here providing the info we have asked for at and summarise your problems again, like you did in the first post (if they are still relevant). Thanks
Whee finally!
Thank you!
So let’s get started again.
1. Which version of WPMU are you running?
– WPMU 2.7.1
2. Did you install WPMU as a directory or subdomain install?
– directory
3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?
– root
4. Did you upgraded from a previous version of WPMU? If so, from which version?
– no
5. Was WPMU functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress?
– yes
6. Which version of BuddyPress are you running?
– 1.0
7. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated?
– no, not yet.
8. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?
– I have my own but also have same problems with default theme (BuddyPress Default Member Theme (1.0))
9. If running bbPress, which version?
– Version 1.0-alpha-6
10. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files
– at the moment error log seems to be empty…
And then my current problems:
I solved the #1 “I can’t post a new topic or reply to the forums anymore.” by re-installing everything. Forums work fine now, except:
1) I still can’t invite friends to the groups (they are my friends and aren’t joined the group). I get a messages: Select Friends No friends to invite and Send Invites -button.
2) I still can’t leave a group. I noticed some weird problems on that page… This page (leave a group) doesn’t have a wp-admin-bar and footer at all! Other pages have. I only get messages: “Confirm Leave Group” and “Are you sure you want to leave this group?” but there’s no options “Yes, I’d like to leave this group.” and “No, I’ll stay!”.
When logged in and on the Groups Directory/Groups Listing page, it is no problem to leave a group, but when I try to leave a group on group’s own page (e.g. ) by clicking the Leave Group -button, I get problem #3 from my 1st post.
I noticed differences when comparing html codes BP generates:
comparing’s html source and mine that in header I have different code on line 11:
Mine is:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css' media='' />
and’s is:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='' type='text/css' media='' />
Meaning that instead of bp-activity I have bp-blogs… so is this a problem? I’m still wondering why my code is different from’s.
When I deleted
<?php bp_group_leave_confirm_link() ?>
on leave-group-confirm.php file (lines 27 and 28) this way the leave group page displays right but links Yes, I’d like to leave this group and and No, I’ll stay! don’t work (of course they don’t work).3) “new” problem is editing profile: when I try to edit profile (Profile > Edit profile) I get a red error message: That group does not exist.
4) 2nd new problem: When I go to Friends > My friends > Alphabetically again an error or actually info box “Your friends list is currently empty”. I have friends and they are on the lists when I choose “Newest” and “Recently Active”
I’m sorry but my English isn’t that good, so it’s more than possible that I write some weird and confusing words, sentences
But I really do appreciate your help
And Peterpan77 – I have to agree with DJPaul, please, don’t shout…
PS: I have to try this one to my problem #3
Just find it
A couple of thoughts / questions:
1. How many times have you reinstalled WPMU + BuddyPress?
2. Did you use the same MySQL DB each time or did you start with a brand new, fresh DB?
3. You mention in point 2 of your most recent post that you’re basically making a custom theme. You changed the code in leave-group-confirm.php. In my mind, changing any code in the default themes means you’re making a custom theme.
So that we can distill this issue down to the lowest common denominator, please select the default BuddyPress themes (bphome and bpmember). If you do not have unaltered versions of these default themes, get them and install them in the proper place. This way, we can rule out theme issues as a source of your problem.
1. How many times have you reinstalled WPMU + BuddyPress?
– once (one reinstallation)
2. Did you use the same MySQL DB each time or did you start with a brand new, fresh DB?
-yes the same, but cleared out before reinstallation
3. You mention in point 2 of your most recent post that you’re basically making a custom theme. You changed the code in leave-group-confirm.php. In my mind, changing any code in the default themes means you’re making a custom theme.
– by deleting this
<?php bp_group_leave_confirm_link() ?>
I only was experimenting what the cause to these errors might be. (deleted part of the code, tested what would happen and then put the deleted part back…)I am using the default themes you mentioned. I read that the most of these errors have something to do with custom themes, so I’m not using my own theme until these errors/problems are fixed.
My web host said DB is ok, working fine and the error must be in the BP code that generates the pages… In my 2nd post I said “He also said that some variable that has that table’s name is missing… Or something like that.”
That was when I was having forum problems (couldn’t post a new post or reply) and before the reinstallation.
Like I mentioned before, I’m not very familiar with php and MySQL but know some.
So what can I do to help to resolve these problems/errors? This is on the other hand quite annoying, but at the same time I find it fascinating
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