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Group cover photos not uploading

  • @functionmunchkin


    Used the suggested dimensions. Group profile photo not uploading either.

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  • @henrywright


    Do you see error messages on screen?



    “An error occurred. Please try again later.”

    I’m able to get a 400×300 photo to upload as the user avatar. Should show this dimension suggestion in the prompt.

    For group cover photo I’m able to upload size 480×480 that’s 73kb. When it does upload it says ” for better results upload larger than 660x 225″. However doesn’t upload that size or larger.

    When it doesn’t upload the prompt is also “Choose File
    An error occurred. Please try again later” , giving no reason.
    Tried uploading less than 73kb and have issues so the dimension may be more the problem.

    Would be helpful if the error message could give the size of what couldn’t be uploaded.





    It’s also telling me the cropping doesn’t work for the group avatar photo.



    you need to read the getting started codex..check server requirements…check modules to be installed



    Sounds like the plugin should show a checklist for all this somewhere. The plugin is working so that means all the requirements are met.

    I have

    PHP version 5.6 or greater
    MySQL version 5.6 or greater
    BuddyPress 2.6.0+ with WordPress 4.1.0+
    Apache Module mod_rewrite enabled for “pretty permalinks”. (Wenet to settings> permalinks> checked plain> saved)
    WP was installed via cpanel’s wordpress installer and BP is working
    Using subdomains not subdirectories
    Folder name for any subdirectory or subdomain WordPress/BuddyPress installation must be in lowercase.BP is on the main blog.

    Tested not using the child theme.

    Is this supposed to be a created file and folder?
    “AllowOverride should be set to All in folder where .htaccess is, for example”



    It seems to add any photo with less than 120 width. 96 gets no problems. However th epic is of course a very poor fit.

    It has given me a new dimension suggestion of 1170 x 260 which works. Can i write this instruction in on the field somehow for users to know? The HTTP Error message is related to dimensions.

    And another error I haven’t seen is from another plugin “Upload Failed! Error was: Oh Snap! Imsanity was unable to resize this image for the following reason: ‘No editor could be selected.’ . If you continue to see this error message, you may need to either install missing server components or disable the Imsanity plugin. If you think you have discovered a bug, please report it on the Imsanity support forum.”



    Started to get this error because I think my host added both when I already had GD.

    “add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘change_graphic_lib’ ); Â Â Â Â function change_graphic_lib($array) { return array( ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’, ‘WP_Image_Editor_Imagick’ )};”

    And it wouldn’t add the group page.
    add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘change_graphic_lib’ ); Â Â Â Â function change_graphic_lib($array) { return array( ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’, ‘WP_Image_Editor_Imagick’ )};
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/bahamalife/public_html/wp-content/themes/colormag/functions.php:127) in /home/bahamalife/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1171


    Whenever your host does a php upgrade/install they ask if you want it as the default version (on for everything automatically) or side by side (optional). My 5.6 was put as side by side but that handler has to be set for each cPanel that wants to run 5.6 as a side by side install was elected
    so it needed to be enabled and wasn’t.



    It was Imsanity plugin ” this plugin prevents upload of large images”. Good grief.

    All uploading now.



    Using Plain permalinks gives this mesage “BuddyPress is almost ready. You must update your permalink structure to something other than the default for it to work.” So I’m switching back to what it was before.



    great so it works…permalinks should be custom..default one wont work for BP

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