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Group Email Subscription: Editing the template

  • @pckelly123


    Hi I am posting this here as it seems the plugin forum is locked and I haven’t been able to find any documentation to this.

    I would like to edit the email template that gets sent out by the Group Email Subscription plugin. I found the file that it seems to be using to template the emails: bp-activity-subscription-digest.php But I would prefer to not edit it in case I need to upgrade the plugin down the road.

    Thank you.

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  • @danbp



    i haven’t used that plugin for a long time, so i can be wrong. But there is, if i remember well, a language file. Open the pot or po file and search for email text. Whith a little chance you can modify it from there. So you aren’t obligated to hack a template or even a core file.




    Thank you for your response, but I need to changes the in-line styles and HTML, I should have been more clear. I don’t believe I can accomplish that by editing the language files for the plugin.



    Hi pckelly123: WP Better Emails works well for applying a template to all mail sent via the function wp_mail(), which is what the group email subscription plugin uses.

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