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Group ‘Fans’

  • @hempsworth



    In our social network, groups represent real organizations and teams of people. We would like two things:

    To be able to set the group as private ‘registration is limited to accepted membership requests’, but have the content and activity available to any member.

    Also, we would like to introduce a new member type, ‘Fans’ – not group members as such, but people who want to be accociated with the group. For example, the British Red Cross set up a group, and their staff become ‘members’ of the group. People would become ‘fans’ or ‘followers’ of the group to show their respect to the group.

    How would we go about these?

    Many thanks

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  • @djpaul


    Neither are possible out of the box without writing some code; and I think these features are non-trivial to add.

    The only interim measure unless you get your hands dirty would be to rename “friends” to “fans” – it’d be only a text change but if by chance you don’t want friends on your network, then it’d work for you.

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