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Group Members of Different Roles

  • @malingo


    Hi guys. Trying to figure out a way to take groups and have users of different roles perform different functions within them. Here’s the premise:

    I’ve got 3 different types of users, managed by the BUATPRO plugin (which assigns different user types, and gives them different roles). Musicians, Fans and Venues. Musicians are set to Author by default, Fans are contributors and Venues are subscribers. I’ve modified the language file to make “Groups” be called “Bands” – and “Join Group” is now “Follow Band”.

    If possible I’d like to have “Following Bands” be like “liking them” on facebook (so you see them in your activity stream) but I’d like an option for musicians to not just follow, but also “join” bands – where they become band members and as members have access to the advanced group options. As the users are already separated by role and type, I think it must be down to coding somewhere, unless a plugin exists that already does this (which would be amazing). My site is Any suggestions would be most appreciated!!!!

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  • @malingo


    OK, so I had another idea. I’ll keep the stock group functionality, ensure that only members of the “musicians” category can create and join groups, but would need to institute a “like” type button for groups so that venues and fans can follow their favourite bands. Any ideas on how that might work?

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