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Group only for Members of the website

  • @ulrichstettler


    How is it possible to restrict a group so that only the page members can access it? I have tried the option public and there are also users with a direct link to it who are not logged in. The authorization of all users individually would be a huge effort. Thanks!

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  • @venutius


    Your question is not clear. Are page members – site members?
    The option public – did you mean private? obviously setting a group to public makes it publicly available, so not what you are looking for.

    I’ve been experimenting with the site privacy plugins and if you want a completely private network you should check out BuddyPress Members Only, this ensures all url’s except for the homepage are not accessible to not logged in members.



    The BuddyPress Members Only was exactly what I’m looking for and yes I’ve meant the site member. Many thanks!



    Unfortunately it’s not what I was looking for, if I have activated it, no user can view any post anymore if he is not logged in. I only want to do this internally, however.



    Yes I had the same problem, so I’ve created a new version of the plugin which leaves the posts public, all other pages private unless they are specifically marked as exceptions.



    How did you solve this? This would probably help me a lot.



    If you would like I can send you my forked version of the plugin that has the option to make the posts public.

    Either that or you can insert a new line with this code to line 296 of the plugin file:

    if (is_single()) return;



    I still wanted to be able to make some posts private to the site, so I installed LH Logged In Post Status so that users can have a choice who see’s their post.

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