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Groups and forum issue

  • @oaz


    Hello there,

    I am running an installation using woffice theme. This theme has been recently updated to be compatible with new BP (there was some profile issue).
    I am using wp 4.9.6 and wordpress is installed in a directory, at the root.

    With this theme, I can create a group and attach a forum to it (bbpress plugin).
    When I updated BP to 3.0, the forum stopped displaying, and the adminbar on top of page disppeared as weel on forum pages (but not on groups without forums). I also use BP group documents plugin, and the documents cannot display either.
    I desactivated all plugins except those needed, that is to say : BP, Unyson (comes with the theme, cannot do without) and bbpress, but the issues are still there.

    Any help would be very appreciated as I am at a loss to what to do to fix this !


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  • @venutius


    Hi there,

    Try switching your theme to 2017, that’s a default theme that will allow you to discount any further issues with your current theme. I’m running BP Group Documents myself and not seeing that problem.



    It’s related to BuddyPress deprecating some forum functions and not loading the deprecated code properly.

    In the meantime, check your theme’s /groups/single/home.php and remove the conditional to bp_is_group_forum() and that should fix your problem.



    Thank you very much for taking care Venitius

    Yes, you are right, forum and group documents are displaying properly using a 2017.

    I am not too sure of what I should do, I found this in the file you mentionned :

    // Old group forums
    elseif ( bp_is_group_forum() ) : bp_get_template_part( ‘groups/single/forum’ );

    Should i remove the whole line ?
    Sorry I am not a developper !



    Yes removing these two lines should be okay:

    // Old group forums
    elseif ( bp_is_group_forum() ) : bp_get_template_part( 'groups/single/forum' );



    Ah, two helpers at once, looks like we got there.



    Yes I did and it is working now ! Thanks so much !

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