I had the same problem after updating BP. Everything works fine now.
Check this post:
Hey robert, This is the post I followed and \”directories\” is in the bp-themes/buddypress-member theme is this correct? becasue if so its not being recognized. Do I strip them from the folder and throw them in the corrosponding folders or something? thanks for the quick reply previously
Actually I just read what you posted again, my problem is that the blogs/groups/members display but the letter list runs straight down and the layout is incorrect. Is my solution just to style the pages over ? because I dont even have the sidebar on the page, do I need to add the sidbar php and header and style accordingly? just a thought,thanks again
oh ok, I misunderstood your post.
In this case I guess it could be in the css. Sorry I wasn’t much help.
I\’ve just looked at my files. Make sure you also have all the style sheets needed. There was a new style \”directories.css\” so make sure it is in the css dir.
If you don\’t have it there that could be the problem.
I remember I had to do some css updates. I use firebug plugin on my firefox to check the css.
yea I have checked with firebug also, its weird it appears the Header is not being called and neither is the sidebar, let me check my css file for directories.css and Ill get right back
still no go, replaced and everything but still displays in a straight list vertically and no header or sidebar
sorry I wish I could help
Everything else works fine I even got the BP-DEV plugins working, besides lightbox. I wish andy would take notice of this thread. every page works including groups and memebers its just that groups and member pages display the letterlist vertically, and the header.php and sidebar.php are not called
Ok another update Im on to something here, so I know the loader loads the css and it appears the css for the directories is not being loaded so I added this to the loader.php
echo “@import url(directories.css);\n”; but I dont know what that function is called so I left out if fuction (”) exists.
this yielded the result of my groups and members pages being properly styled except I am still missing the sidebar and header
Final post, I got eveything working using the above mentioned fix, it appears the loader.php stored in the CSS was not loading directories css so maybe andy could take a look at that. Also the header is in fact linked, but its the members header, which my members header is different than my Home theme header, could anyone tell me how I could include my header that is stored in themes/buddypress-home rather than the memebers one? thanks
I think I need you to slow down and explain to me exactly what’s going on.
Can you post a link to the page in question so I can take a look?
Hey John, Im running locally right now, but What happened was I updated to latest branch of WPMU, and latest trunk of BP.
what happened was all pages displayed, but Members and groups did not display properly
according to the source code (ala firebug) the directories css file was not being loaded, therefore my “directories” were not styled properly making the letterlist run down the page the search ran into the groups and all sorts of bad things.
I then checked the loader.php file to see if directories.css was being called, and it in fact wasnt so I added it to the list of css files to be called.
after I did that everything displayed properly except that the width of the sidebar and main column was only about 3/4 across the page so I gave #main a width of 100% percent and now everything looks right except…
header.php that is called is stored in bp memebers which is a different header then the one I have in bp-home, Is there a way I can specifically call the bp-home header within the bp-memeberdirectories/groups/index.php and bp-memeber/directories/memebers/index.php
I hope that is clear enough thanks for the help
What OS are you running locally, and what browser? I’ve installed the trunk versions of both WPMU and BuddyPress on two local installs so far, and haven’t experienced these issues.
When you say that directories.css wasn’t being loaded, was it 404’ing or was it just not mentioned at all?
I’m not on my laptop at the moment so I can’t see where directories.css is included normally.
When you updated, did you DELETE your old files and upload your new ones? Delete browser cache, site cookies, etc…
I am running MAMP on a mac OS, I followed andys instuctions in a former post, I have a custom theme that I used so I copied the functions files to the members theme as per the instuctions as well as the functions from the home theme to my home theme.
It is not a cache issue or cookies or anything, it physically was not loading the style sheet which is stored in bp-themes/bp-members/css/directories.css, I got it working by putting the name into the loader.php file which is stored in the same place.
what I need now though is the header.php that is called within the groups/index.php and members/index.php because they are now stored in bp-themes/bp-members it calls the wrong header
Wow strange.
When I have an opportunity, I’ll check this out more.
yea it is very strange, but at least its functioning now, I just need that header thing fixed