Since you’re using the old BuddyPress 1.1.3 themes, you will either need to use the BuddyPress Backwards Compatibility plugin, or update your theme to use bp-classic instead.
where can i find bp-classic?
installed BuddyPress Backwards Compatibilty – groups still dont display
WordPress MU
Current version of buddypress
I also tried the Avenue K9 theme and it still not functioning correctly.
Any suggestions?
Pclerkin, It appears that you have have a mixed bag of a theme going or your currently switching them out – – this page is from muguru’s buddypress mods to the thematic framework. Perhaps you should clear out your theme directory in it entirety and install a fresh copy of the old theme. Otherwise, my personal belief is that your best move would be to update to bp-classic as this is likely to be more forward compatible with future releases of buddypress.
where can i find bp-classic?
it’s not here