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Groups "readable" access to all users

  • @rpatwall1206


    I would like to allow all users to be able to read all group posts; but in order to post or comment they must be a member of the group. How do I set this up.

    So all of the groups are readable and open to all users, but users must join to post to the group.



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  • @hnla


    but that’s the default behaviour of a normal group!



    Hello, what’s the default behavior of a normal group! The way it is functioning or the way I would like it to function? If what I am asking, is how it should be working, it is not. If how it is currently working is the default, then my request is for help to change the default behavior for MY site.

    I would like all users to be able “Read” the group posts and decide from the content whether they want to join the group. Not have to join the group just to Read the content.




    🙂 again based on your original requirement my response is “but that is what is normal behaviour”

    Members can always read and see activity and the act of responding to a group via an update or similar would auto join you to the group.

    However just testing quickly on a test trunk install and I wasn’t added as a member to a group that I posted an update on, so not sure if we have a regression in behaviour here, is this what you were finding was the issue? in which case the question needs revising and just possibly reporting as a bug.



    So it looks like the default old behaviour has changed and auto joining no longer functions.



    Thank you so much for your insight. I looked into “group auto join” and a plugin popped up. I just installed and all is well. Thanks again



    ok good stuff, shame to have to use a plugin to achieve something that used to happen, missed the fact it had changed entirely!

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