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groups title meta description duplicate blank

  • @djsteveb


    Buddypress groups appear to have no page title or meta description.

    Asked my theme creator about this issue, he said the theme uses “just uses the wp_title() tag like many other WordPress themes.” – so it’s a buddypress issue, and that it should be handled by an SEO plugin.

    Checked with yoast SEO – and although this has been a posted about problem for a long time it seems, either yoast does not care about buddypress, or they just shift the blame to buddypress for not making custom post types available to the plugin. ( )

    I checked the forums through searches here, and found some threads similar, but nothing that seems to address the issue outside of a pot/poe file – and not sure that will fix the issue.

    The closes thing I found to addressing this is from:

    and then there is buddydev dot com /buddypress/making-wordpress-seo-plugin-compatible-with-buddypress/

    and I am confused as to if any of this is the best method, if this melds with the latest version, and if it even works.

    Has anyone come up with a way to truly fix this problem?

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